Success Criteria
Clear categories with subtitles
Use questions to hook the reader in the introduction
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Use sentences and paragraphs
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Use facts to inform the reader
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Use different sentence starters
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Have you ever wanted to find out information about Saturn.
Saturn rings is solid because it is made out of hard solid ice,rocks,dust and space junk.
Saturn rings can even be seen with a small telescope. In Saturn there are craters and large mountain many volcano it looks very large.In Saturn rings are 150,000 miles in diameter(large).
Fact about Saturn
Did you know Saturn has more than 30 moons.18 moons has been named.Titan is the biggest moon for Saturn. Did.Did you know titan is the second biggest moon in the whole Solar System.Saturn only lasts for 10 hour and 39 minutes.Saturn is Approximately 856 million miles from the sun.Saturn has been observed in the night sky since ancient times but Galileo was the first to observe it with a telescope in 1610.Some people say Saturn is called the Jewel of the Solar System